interviewing skills
Your career is an opportunity to do some of your most profound spiritual work.
#mid-level professional #ambivert #all Industries #experience #strategy #interviewing skills #salary negotiation skills
Melissa Abe
Program Manager @ Airbnb leadership skills
As a leader, you are the one in charge of giving your team direction to where you’re heading and to steer them forward. But sometimes, my team takes lead and will steer the project a different way, and it’s oftentimes for the better. My role as a leader is to identify the best idea and to foster an idea to make it happen regardless of whose idea it was.
#senior level professional #extrovert #all Industries #leadership skills
Helene Alonso
Director, Interactive Experience @ The American Museum of Natural History presentation skills
Your personal image is also your personal brand, so when you're on the job hunt, your entire LinkedIn page should be reflective of your personality. This is important because oftentimes, your profile can be your first impression to employers and recruiters.
#any level #extrovert #all Industries #interviewing skills #presentation skills
lauren newton
UX Recruiter and Content Strategist @ Facebook salary negotiation skills
Whenever you get into one of those jammed up places, you’re probably holding onto something that’s holding you back. In order to continue forward, you have to be willing to let go of some things you previously valued and grow into something new. Know which piece of your life isn’t feeding you the way it used to.
#any level #ambivert #all Industries #interviewing skills #leadership skills #salary negotiation skills #team work
Sally Simms
Founder @ Group Project team work
When networking, ask how you can help first before asking for favors.
#any level #ambivert #all Industries #team work
Annika Howe
Owner and Executive Producer @ Howehaus