Understand and value your intellectual assets better…

Whether you run your own company, are part of a high flying team or work as a freelancer - pretty much everyone of us will be undervaluing our intellectual assets. Yet they are the one thing that is totally unique to each of us, has the potential to create new value and will go on accruing as we get older... win, win, win.

So what do I mean by 'intellectual assets'? In a nutshell your intellectual assets are everything that has got you to here now. Without exception. Your childhood experience, your home, your lifelong client list, what you've ever been paid to do, your connections. By mapping these and auditing them inventively, you can develop a creative 'offer' that no-one will ever be able to compete with - because they are not you.

Standing back to see the patterns, the overlaps, the skills, new interesting sectors, services you can take from one client to another helps widen and refresh your offer. You can do it annually and each time new perspectives will emerge.

This methodology works across the board. It is simple and highly effective. And you already own the 'ingredients'.

#mid-level professional #ambivert #advertising #all Industries #design #experience #film & photography #strategy #interviewing skills #leadership skills #salary negotiation skills
Erica Wolfe-Murray
Founder @ Lola Media Ltd

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